Back to school.
A new semester is about to begin.

For those of us who welcome the new school year in spring, it's time to prepare stationeries, bags, shoes, clothes and other items that we would typically use every day for school and work. Post spring break, friends who weren't together during spring break are influenced by something during that time and move on to the next stage of growth

Doesn’t it sound nice?
“Back to school.”

For me, it's the time to reorganize and start fresh by buying a study notebook, picking up a new book to read, or giving some thought on what to start working on from today, which doesn't usually last, which is okay too, it's the act of trying to start a new thing. (Laughs)

It's a time when long-sleeved clothes become thinner and lighter, and new greenery is upon us. I wonder if the desire to wear navy, white or colored clothing comes from a sense of excitement about the upcoming season. When we started DESCENDANT, we thought of "100 standards." There are items like "navy'' and "white'' and even now, almost 10 years after we started, when we welcome a new season, strangely, I still want to incorporate something navy to wear, just like a decade ago.

Back to basic.
Perhaps one of the privileges of this time of spring is that I feel like I can somehow return to my roots.

Spoken by Tetsu Nishiyama

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