Summertime Rhapsody.

When it comes to clothes, the more ordinary they look, the less you can fool them. However, the more ordinary something is, the better it will look if it matches the person’s style and lifestyle. The same goes for people who work, but if a person can express their individuality in that environment, their clothes will look more attractive.

The photo above, taken this time around, is just a typical shot. It looks as if he is walking on the boardwalk in a port town in an ordinary T-shirt, jeans and a plain-looking dad cap. I’ve never once thought that was a cool style.
The same goes for men tucking their T-shirts into pants, open-collared shirts and chinos with pleats. To me, this style was what older men wore. In fact, those older men probably didn’t think it was cool either. However, in today’s world, where there is so much more information available and anyone can enter fashion, regardless of age or gender, I think it’s good to think about the everyday things that have been overlooked. I think individuality becomes your own when you get to know such forbidden areas.

Colors are strange, aren’t they? This peppermint has an entirely different impression depending on the season you see it. When I was preparing for this summer’s collection, in the winter, I thought it would be just an accent color, but when I look at it again now, as spring turns into summer, I find it surprisingly attractive. What you wear can completely affect your mood. When I was younger, I didn’t realize how I felt because I had a different perspective towards clothing, but wanting to wear these colors is a special privilege of summer.

The photo above looks like Washington Square Park in New York. (Laughs) That’s the park that appears in the movie “KIDS.” I first visited New York in the 90’s and stayed in a hotel on the outskirts of Washington Square Park. It sort of gives me that vibe. 

Spoken by Tetsu Nishiyama

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